Updates and news Limitless Korea 혁신 공모전 안내

15 Mar 2024
Views 82995

🌍🏆 What is the Limitless Korea?

In 2021, the IFRC Limitless project was launched with the aim of gathering inventive proposals from Red Cross and Red Crescent youth and volunteers, focusing on addressing local humanitarian crises. This year's initiative centers around seeking groundbreaking ideas to tackle the challenges arising from climate and environmental issues. The Asia Pacific Disaster Resilience Centre is partnering with the Global Limitless team to organize Limitless Korea. Participants stand to gain exclusive advantages by submitting a single innovative idea, simultaneously participating in both the global and domestic competitions. 

Join the competition and unlock the benefits of your inventive solutions for climate and environmental challenges.

📌 Date & Time:  Feb.5. (Mon) ~ March.15.(Fri), 2024

📌 Eligibility: 18 to 30 years old, Open to all Youth 

  • Volunteers and Korean Red Cross staff are eligible to participate over the age of 30 as leaders
  • Individual and team applications accepted (1 team composition with 1-3 members)

💡 How to apply

STEP 1️⃣ Brain Storming and Ideation

- ① Choose a topic ② Recognise a problem ③ Identify problems ④ Propose a solution ⑤ Establish a detailed plan

STEP 2️⃣ Climate resilience training and certificates

- (LINK) https://lc.multicampus.com/krc1

- Sign up -> Search for 'Climate Resilience(기후복원력)' -> Complete training -> Issue certificate 

STEP 3️⃣ Application

- Shoot a video of your idea or submit a proposal

  * Video: Create a 5-minute video and share the file and link.

  * Proposal: Complete and submit a proposal 

- Download the template via the competition board

- What to submit: ① Personal Information Provision Agreement and Ethics Pledge (in both Korean and English) 

                                ② Training certificate 

                                ③ Idea (video or proposal)

- Submit to apdrc@redcross.or.kr

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