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Animation Contest
on Disaster Resilience

Asia Pacific Disaster Resilience Centre

Animation Contest on Disaster Resilience

APDRC has been hosting Disaster Resilience Animation Contest to raise awareness on disaster risk reduction through animation since 2020

Updates and news 5th Animation Contest on Disaster Resilience (2023)

APDRC hosted The 5th 'I am a Director too!' - 11 Seconds Animation Film Contest on Disaster Resilience this year in collaboration with BIAF (Bucheon International Animation Festival). In the contest, Many creative and well-made short animation clips were awarded.

On October 21, Korean Red Cross and APDRC awarded a total of 10 high-quality pieces at the Korea Manhwa Museum, Bucheon. The grand prize went to "Anyone, Anytime" by MACA. Congratulations to all the award-winners.

๐ŸŽฌ[1st Prize] "Anyone, Anytime" by MACA

๐ŸŽฌ [2nd Prize] "Anyone, Anytime" by MACA 

                          "Blue Secret Inspector" by Hee Seung Choi

๐ŸŽฌ [3rd Prize] "From peak to pyre" by Jungbin Park 

                         "Man-made Disaster" by Gun Yong Kim

                         "Jenga Apartment" by Dahae Jung  

๐ŸŽฌ [4th Prize] "SHORTS" by Siyeon Ahn, Eunhye Cho, and Kyungmin Choi 

                         "The Reason Why the Princess Became a Hero" by Princess is Anything 

                         "Life=Lava" by Jiwon Lee 

                         "RUN!" by Tae hee Lim